O TCC intitulado "BREAD WITH PENNISETUM GLAUCUM (L. R. BR.) SEED FLOUR: FOOD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT" foi aceito para publicação no e-book COLLETION OF INTERNACIONAL TOPICS IN HEALTH SCIENCES ISBN n 978-65-84976-22-1. O e-book é editado pela Seven Publicações LTDA.
Parabéns aos autores: Gabriela de Souza silva, Patricia Cintra, Andreia de Oliveira Massulo e Lucas de Melo Silva.
This is an experimental, descriptive, and cross-sectional observational research that reported the formulation of bread with flour of Pennisetum glaucum (L. R. BR.) in concentrations (10, 20 and 50%) in replacement of white wheat flour. In this study, the technical sheet of preparation and nutritional information of the product was made. The formulation with 20% millet flour out in the sensorial analysis with a harmonic and attractive flavor, with a yield of 95%, cost of US$ 12,41 and total weight of 826g. The nutritional information per 100g of product showed: carbohydrates (54%), lipids (12%), protein (8%), fiber (2%) and 140mg of sodium. The bread formulation enabled the insertion of millet flour in the human diet, being of great interest for being a whole grain, with a fair price and satisfactory nutritional composition.
Keywords: millet, millet flour, baking, food technology.